Monday, November 29, 2010


Warning: I am a yarn snob.  And also an acrylic hater.  In my humble opinion, there are only 3 good reasons to knit with acrylic:

1. It's for a baby.  I don't want to put a ton of money into a knit piece that will inevitably end up covered in spit and god knows what else.  I also don't want aforementioned baby's parents to hate me because I made something that got covered in unmentionables and can't be machine washed.
2. I'm broke.  The one major awesome factor of acrylic is that it comes in large and inexpensive skeins.  I can knit whole sweaters for $5.  Okay.  Maybe not $5.  But definitely $10.
3. It's for someone who doesn't realize that their washing machine has cold and delicate settings.  We all know those people.  The ones who wash everything on hot.  The ones who felt all the beautiful woolen gifts you give them.  Even though you took the time to print a care tag and remind them that it's wool and will felt if washed with hot water.  Yep.  Them.  I'm looking at YOU, Grandma!

But for the sake of science and this blog, I broke down and knit with acrylic for none of the reasons listed above.

My Acrylic Yarn:
I picked up some Caron Simply Soft from my local craft emporium (read: Joann's).  It didn't make me want to cut my hands off while I knit, so that's something.
  • Texture: If I close my eyes real tight and sit on my hands until they fall asleep before I start knitting, I can almost imagine that I'm knitting with wool and not plastic. 1.5 Yarngasms.
  • Durability: It can survive babies and the washing machine illiterate.  It's the cockroach of yarn. 4 Yarngasms.
  • Frogability: It can be frogged and frogged without breaking, but after a time or two it turns into a scary, frizzy muppet.  2 Yarngasms.
  • Drape: It can get a bit heavy, but if you accommodate for that, it's not too bad. 3 Yarngasms.
My Project:
Christmas Tree Skirt by Ann V. Gallentine (Ravelry link).  It's my go-to Christmas pattern.  I've made it for 3 people in varying sizes.  It's easy, but looks like you spent some time on it.

It's acrylic.  What more can I say?

Friday, November 19, 2010

I Fail: A Confession

You know that scene in Pinocchio where the little puppet boy and his father sail the turbulent seas only to be swallowed by a whale?  That was my life.  The whale kept me from blogging.  Well, you know, the metaphorical whale.  Not a real whale.  We don't have whales in Minnesota.  Many lakes.  No whales.

Now, I'm mostly all better.  Which means I can get back to the business at hand.  Mainly yarn made from cool stuff. 

Super awesome things to look forward to in the coming weeks:  SUGAR YARN!  PAPER YARN! 

And decidedly less exciting things to look forward to in the coming weeks: WOOL YARN!  COTTON YARN! ACRYLIC YARN!

Stay tuned.