Friday, September 10, 2010

i knit with this. what? this.

Let's take a trip in the wayback machine, shall we? 

Imagine a place you'd like to go.  Victorian England.  Cosmonaut space shuttle.  The lost city of Atlantis.  Really. Any place will do.  Now, imagine me there.  Seriously.  If you're having trouble imagining me, just imagine anyone and call them Natalie. 

So, one day we're walking along the [insert something that we'd walk along in your wayback machine destination] and I turn to you and say, "Hey!  I think I'm going to try to knit with all the fibers I can find!" 

And then you found $5.  Or whatever the currency is at your wayback machine destination.

The end.

That's it in a nutshell.  One day I had the idea that I would try to knit with all the fibers I could.  Which sounded crazy.  Which still sounds crazy.  Hence, The Rules.

The Rules

1. It must be yarn.  Maybe when I'm done with yarn I'll try knitting with shoe laces or rubber bands, but for now, I'm sticking to yarn.

2. All fake/man-made fibers will be known as "acrylic".  I'm not going out of my way to knit with rayon and nylon and polyester.  An exploration of all the stuff Man can make with oil and magic this is not.

3. I will not learn to spin just to try new things.  No spinning.  For reals.  I don't need another hobby.  But I won't look gift yarn from spinners in the mouth.

With these rules in mind, I am beginning my quest to knit with all the fibers I can purchase (or talk people into giving me).  And I'll share it with you here.  We'll laugh.  We'll cry.  We'll get really knerdy about knitting.  Pinky promise.

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