Monday, August 13, 2012

The Final Countdown!

The Knitting Olympics are finally over.  Whew!  At final count, I knit 11 hats in 16 days.  Not too shabby.  The modified NFL beanies got me in a stash busting mood, so the last three are all plain ol' striped stockinette hats with a ribbed brim. 




These were all made with lots of odds and ends from my stash, so it's not worth it to mention yarns because it would be a laundry list of random yarn brands.  When putting my colors together, I started with a variegated yarn and then chose other ends that matched that yarn to help create a unified color palette.  I tried not to pick more than 5 colors because I carried them up instead of cutting the yarn at the end of every 2 row stripe.  Because I'm lazy and let's face it, we ALL hate weaving in ends. 

Now, to relax my poor joints for a day or two.  Next week, I'm talking about llama!  Stay tuned!

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